Enjoy my lovelies!
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Craving More Lochlan Pierce?
Soon you will have your fill, for Whipped will be here on Monday!!! So to help ease the thirst you so crave, here is another teaser for you:
Friday, January 30, 2015
And the Winner Is...
Last week, I teamed up author MCV Egan of "Defined by Others" for a free ebook giveaway! And the lucky winner is....
Amanda Orik!!!!!
Once you see this post, please leave an email so that I can get your ebook to you!
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Faith of God Can Withstand Through Anything
A riveting, uplifting, and spiritual tale about two young people finding their faith in very tiring times. Times, when in early settlement Montana, things between the white settlers and the Sioux were not right.
Meet Genevieve LaCroix, a young woman who's father sends her away to a missionary in for her to find the best education she could find. After losing her mother, the last thing she ever wanted to do, was to be sent away from her father. Being of mixed race, it was hard enough for her to be a part of the white settlers lifestyle, let alone their undying faith for God. When a tragedy falls upon the family she is staying with and she witness them finding a silver lining, will Gen finally start understanding God's ways?
Two-Shoes, is a born and raised Dakota young man, whom like any other Sioux believed whites to be the enemy. That was until he became wounded and was treated and healed by the missionary family Gen was with. During the time in which he heals, his vision of the white people changes form one of hatred to one awe and belief. But when conflict arises and he is torn between his people or the family he has grown to love, will he be able to stay true to his faith and do what is right by God?
In the "Valley of the Shadow" by Stephanie Grace Whitson, be prepared to go on a journey and witness history, and the undying faith of those who believe.
Who's Ready For A Sexy Teaser?
For those die hard fans of Karpov Kinrade, get ready! For Whipped is making its appearance next Tuesday! This is one book you don't want to miss. Here is a little teaser for you all:
Hungry for more?
Then check back this Friday after I crown the winner of the "Defined by Others" Giveaway, and see another teaser!
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Defined by Others Giveaway!!
For those of you who have read my previous review on Defined by Others, you already know when I say that it is a must read on your list. If you have already read the book, well, you know what I'm talking about. Today is a fun day for you all! For I have teamed up with the author, M.C.V. Egan, with an ebook giveaway. If this has piqued your interest, then this is what you have to do: just leave a comment on what word truly defines you. On Friday, January 30, I will choose one random winner to receive an ebook copy of Defined by Others. I wish all the best of luck!!
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
What Word Truly Defines You?
Anne, is a newly divorced woman, who just found out her husband is coming out of the closet(in a closet). With her new divorce, she heads to her hometown to attend an old friend's funeral. There she is given some "inheritance", which includes a very twisted and witty social mind game they like to call The Catfish Project. With the help of her friend Callie the two go down a road neither of the them thought they would end up, and they find out just who they really are meant to become.
"Defined by Others" is a beautiful, witty, heartfelt story of two women finding themselves in a world that once made sense, and is now turned upside down. If you are curious to know more about this game, then make sure to grab yourself a copy of this amazing tale.
As much as I loved this fascinating story, I also had the pleasure of interviewing the author. So, feel free to join me in my conversation with M.C.V. Egan.
Everyone has their defining moment. Yet Society believes they deserve the credit most times. What is your opinion about that? How would Anne feel?
1. I think that at different stages of life there are defining moments and some are very personal, even intimate. Falling in love, achieving a personal goal and others are very public, running a marathon, getting married.
I see public ones as linked to society in different ways but the personal ones, are often important to one individual or a small close group.
Anne in Defined by Others is lost and confused. She uses a word to define a moment ( every moment) so she can grasp how it relates to her.
She is struggling between being the individual she hopes to be and fitting into a society she reluctantly belongs to.
In today's society, more and more people accepting gays and lesbians alike. Both Anne's and Connie's husbands turned out to be gay, and they seemed to accept it. What is your view on the subject? Has it always been the same?
Everyone has their defining moment. Yet Society believes they deserve the credit most times. What is your opinion about that? How would Anne feel?
1. I think that at different stages of life there are defining moments and some are very personal, even intimate. Falling in love, achieving a personal goal and others are very public, running a marathon, getting married.
I see public ones as linked to society in different ways but the personal ones, are often important to one individual or a small close group.
Anne in Defined by Others is lost and confused. She uses a word to define a moment ( every moment) so she can grasp how it relates to her.
She is struggling between being the individual she hopes to be and fitting into a society she reluctantly belongs to.
In today's society, more and more people accepting gays and lesbians alike. Both Anne's and Connie's husbands turned out to be gay, and they seemed to accept it. What is your view on the subject? Has it always been the same?
2. I am very embarrassed to admit that my view has not always been as open-minded and aware. I was raised in a strict religious society, in which it was inherently taught that homosexuality was wrong.
I am also of a generation where people were careful and forced to hide it. However, in the 1970s people I knew started to come out of the closet, and I felt comfortable with accepting that we do not all need to be the same.
In life I have had help and friendships with people of different sexual orientations who have always treated me with respect and respected my heterosexual way of life.
I am universally open-minded and tolerant, I do not see where it is my place to judge.
In the 1990s like so many the film Philadelphia through Tom Hanks, Denzel Washington and Antonio Banderas, made me aware of the social limitations imposed on people who have a different lifestyle.
I hope that globally gay rights include all rights that I and other heterosexuals take for granted
That being said; I am horrified by ANY act of forced sex, sexual abuse or trafficking and there I hope perpetrators get punished to the full extent of the law. Most especially the abuse of children.
I am also of a generation where people were careful and forced to hide it. However, in the 1970s people I knew started to come out of the closet, and I felt comfortable with accepting that we do not all need to be the same.
In life I have had help and friendships with people of different sexual orientations who have always treated me with respect and respected my heterosexual way of life.
I am universally open-minded and tolerant, I do not see where it is my place to judge.
In the 1990s like so many the film Philadelphia through Tom Hanks, Denzel Washington and Antonio Banderas, made me aware of the social limitations imposed on people who have a different lifestyle.
I hope that globally gay rights include all rights that I and other heterosexuals take for granted
That being said; I am horrified by ANY act of forced sex, sexual abuse or trafficking and there I hope perpetrators get punished to the full extent of the law. Most especially the abuse of children.
Anne and Connie resume playing 'Amanda's Game' after her death. Have you ever had an Amanda in your life?
3. I have experienced, bullying, betrayal, been the victim of gossip in my life. I have also experienced great friendships, love and support.
Amanda is strictly fictional, but I did base her characteristics on people I have observed manipulating situations or other people; and getting away with it.
I can honestly say that I have from a very young age been very good at keeping away from gossip and even diffusing it. One of my favorite ways is saying; “Wow I wonder what you say about me when I am not around”.
That seems to keep gossipers away from me.
Society at times tends to have a hand in defining ones moment. How do you feel it has changed form when you grew up, to today? Has it changed at all?
4. In my case it has been huge and it has changed. I was born in Mexico City, Mexico in 1959 and girls had a strict code of behaviour, especially Catholic school uniform wearing girls!
I fell in love with the U.S.A.as soon as we moved to D.C., I loved the sense that I could be ANYTHING regardless of gender.
In the five decades plus that I have lived, and in the various countries where I have lived, society has changed a lot; although in many circles today it seems like a pendulum is swinging towards less rights for women at times.
I am in awe at the amazing young women I meet when I travel to Mexico, I think as the world has become more global society is being forced to do so as well.
Throughout the story, Anne has an array of words to define moments. Have you ever caught yourself defining a moment with one word in your life, or for others around you?
5. I do now! I wrote Defined by Others in November 2013 as part of NaNoWriMo and succeeded on the 50K plus goal in 30 days. I worked on the editing but put it down for at least 6 months.
My good friend Birgitte; who is also one of my Beta Readers, and I took an amazing trip to Prague last Fall, and she started “defining with a word” so that made me dust off the manuscript do final edits and publish.
After the trip last October, I do, I have fun seeking THE one word that defines a moment.
Have you ever been in a situation like Anne and Connie where you have a secret and once it has built up you are unsure of how to stop it?
6. Not really, but to produce that emotion I tapped into my memories of divorce in 1986. I was the one who chose to end the marriage, and for a while it did feel like I was trying to figure out how to change or stop things.
Sunday, January 18, 2015
Karpov-Kinrade Have Brought the Sexiness Once Again!
You have heard of Hitched, now prepare for some major sexiness that is know as Whipped. A witty, charming, and very sexy romp of a tale! If you have read Hitched, then you have heard all about Vi, now get ready to read her story.
Vi Reynolds thinks life to be just the way she wants it to be; perfect friends and she has her very own store called Whipped. With her adult toy store helping those in need of some serious sexiness, nothing could tarnish Vi's life; except a lovely thing called: due payments. With countless payments due, Vi accepts an offer for a roommate to a man she has never met, or so she thinks...
Lachlan Pierce, or "Aussie Hottie" as Vi would call him, is a male dancer (or stripper if you you like), think of Chippendales, who frequents Vi's store quite often and with a new woman draping on his arm every time. But I wouldn't take him for what he does for a career, for underneath all that hotness is a heart with a dream to do something great for those around him and the community. First off, he needs a place to stay, so he finds himself rooming with someone he never thought to expect but believes will enjoy to great extremes...
With the two of them living under one roof, who knows what can happen. Though if you wish to find out, then grab yourself a copy of Whipped, and settle in for one sexy ride!
Monday, January 5, 2015
The Story You Have Been 'Longing' For Has Finally Arrived!
The third book in Merry Farmer's Oregon Trail historical romance series...
Read the blurb and check out an excerpt below!

Dean Meyers is determined to make the long journey west to start a new life and leave the horrors of the Civil War behind him. He is charmed by Emma and amused by her mother, and can finally see peace in his future. But when an old colleague shows up to turn his world upside down, it’s all Dean can do to keep love, hope, and Emma from slipping away. All seems lost until Emma finds herself in danger and Dean is given a chance to be a hero…if he can reach her in time.
Love will give her courage to find her voice and follow her heart…
An excerpt from Trail of Longing
Nebraska Territory, 1863
Dr. Dean Meyers was the most beautiful thing Emma Sutton had ever seen. He was tall and graceful, with a smile that cheered the prairie. He may have walked several wagons in front of her, consulting with Mrs. Costner about her sore knees, but Emma could still see his profile and the light of kindness shining in his eyes. Sunlight seemed to dance off of the rich dark brown of his hair. After being on the trail heading west to Oregon for so many weeks, he’d let it grow a little too long, but he wore it well. He had a handsome, strong face as well—a straight nose, a fine brow, and a square jaw. Weeks of being in the sun had tanned his face, but unlike some of the other men, he shaved every day.
He turned his head in her direction. For one breathless second, Emma’s heart stopped when it looked like he might catch her spying on him. She glanced down, off over the rolling grass, up to the sky, cheeks flushing pink. Her gaze drifted back to him, or rather to the back of his head. He hadn’t seen her after all. She let out a breath of relief.
Emma went on daydreaming. Dr. Meyers—Dean—was so noble, so gentle with the sick and injured that he treated. Mrs. Costner was clearly having a hard time walking, but he offered her an arm and supported some of her weight. Emma had heard him insisting that she should ride, even going so far as to appeal to her husband to convince her to hop into their wagon. Mrs. Costner was having none of it. Emma couldn’t hear their conversation, but she saw the admiration in the older woman’s eyes. Why ride in a wagon when you could walk to Oregon on Dean Meyers’ arm?
Yes, Emma sighed, hugging herself with a far-away smile, she was in love. Completely, hopelessly in love.
Thank God Dean didn’t know.
Get Trail of Longing on Amazon | Amazon UK | iBooks | B&N | Kobo | Smashwords
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True Love Can Weather Any Storm
Merry Farmer has done it once again! With her final installment for her "Hot On the Trail Trilogy" comes 'Trail of Longing': a heart felt, witty, and riveting story of how two souls find a way to make their fairy-tale love into one of reality. For those who have had the pleasure of reading the first two 'Trail' books, then you already have a grasp on what Emma Sutton is like. A kind-hearted woman who loves children, and dreams of wanting nothing more than a love like the one her parents have been gifted with; that is, until she is in the presence of Dean Meyers, then she is all tongue-tied and shyness, but that will never stop her from cherishing every moment she is with him. Dr. Dean Meyers (or Dean, as Emma prefers it) is a man traveling west from a haunting past; one he only wishes to leave buried and stayed buried. The trail doesn't seem as tedious when he has the opportunity to see Emma every day, and he has hopes one day that Emma just might be his forever. Unfortunately, like all love stories, certain unfortunate events take place where their love will be tested to such lengths where only two people who are struck with true love can find each other again. As I said before, for those who have read the first two in the trilogy, then you already know that you are in for a real treat; but for those who haven't do not worry, you don't even have to read them in order just get it, read it, and fall in love with 'Trail of Longing over and over again.
"Love is exactly the right thing to base a future on. True love can weather any storm, make any burden lighter. Love makes even the worst tragedy easy to bear." -- Dean Meyers
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