Sunday, February 15, 2015

I Am Girl Incredible

I have had many books in my life that have inspired me, but today I can honestly say that no other book such as Girl Incredible has inspired and touched me in a way I have never felt with a book. For once in my life, there is a character in which I can relate to on so many levels. And that is all thanks to Patti Larsen and her incredible girl, Kit Maclean. 

By day, Kit is just an (very smart) ordinary junior in high school, by night a psychic CIA agent named Kitalia Ore. Or at least that is what it is to Kit when she ventures off to her own world when things seem to get rough for her. Having Kitalia in Kit's life gives her the courage she needs to get through her life. Then one day all of that changes and when she finds herself bullied, her courage and self esteem will be tested. 

Girl Incredible is perfect for those who are dealing with bullies, even for those who aren't. Patti Larsen has created a story to show us all that we all have a little Kitalia in us, we just need to find her and let her free.

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