Now, for those who have read my blog before, know that this is the part where I summarize the book; but since this novel was later on turned into a film, I've decided to review both versions and state the similarities and differences. I can see some of you who have just read that last sentence: you are nodding your heads because you know you do the same exact thing when reading a book that was made into a movie(or vice versa). Hey! There is absolutely no problem with that, it is a completely normal thing to do. I do it all the time, so often it has become second nature. Now, before I begin, I would like to encourage the reader, if you see something I have left out or if you just want to talk about the book in general, please leave a comment. Cause who doesn't like to talk about books, right? So, if everyone is ready...then here we go!

It is the nineteenth century England, and everyone is going on about their normal lives. That is except when a pod-like object falls from the sky. As is with our human nature, we are inclined to seek out what caused such a destruction as the Martians did. It was the calm before the storm, when those who have caught the curiosity bug, went to the crash site to see who(or what) had caused such a commotion. For the first few days, the only activity around the pod was the Martians building their war machine. But just as soon their task was completed, all hell broke loose! Imagine a zombie apocalypse mixed with a deadly virus pandemic...and multiply that by 10! There was complete and utter chaos in London and the surrounding cities. H.G. Wells' novel tells the story of the narrator describing his experience and his survival throughout the story. The novel is divided in two books: The Coming of the Martians, and The Earth Under the Martians. In the first book, The Coming of the Martians, the narrator explains how the Martians arrived to Earth from Mars, and how they began their destruction all across England. The narrator also tells how his brother, when finding escape from the Martians, was caught right in the middle of a chaotic flight of civilians making their escape. In the beginning of the second book, The Earth Under the Martians, the narrator caught refuge in an abandon house with a curate, which he soon began to regret his choice. Now, I have said so much already, and those who know the story already know how it ends; but for those who are not familiar with it, then I would highly recommend that you get your hands on a copy and read this amazing science-fiction novel to find out what happens to the narrator.
Hopefully for those who are reading this, already have heard of this film, but if you haven't then I will briefly recap it for you. The movie takes place in the year of 2005, and the main character, Ray Ferrier, is played by Tom Cruise. Ray, who lives in New York City, had just arrived to his home when his wife( played by Miranda Otto) drops off their children(played by Dakota Fanning and Justin Chatwin) who were to stay with their father for the weekend. The weekend starts off like any other when a freak lightning storm strikes practically in his back yard! Soon the Martians make their appearance in their machines, then cause masses of destruction, and the film goes on...(Just like in my review for the book, if you've seen the movie you already know what happens, if you haven't well then may I suggest you go see it?)
Now's the time for similarities and differences! For this I will compare the film to the movie. The film adaption that Steven Spielberg directed, followed the general story line the book did; and besides the Martians and their fighting machine, those seemed to be the only similarities. See, in the novel, the narrator didn't have any children, he only had his wife to worry about(there was his brother, but in the story they never met up). Second, was the black smoke in the tubes that the Martians shot out of their machines. Which for those of you who do not know what the black smoke is, it is a deadly-like smoke that kills those who breathed it in. Thirdly, in the book the narrator seeks refuge with a curate, but in the movie Tom Cruise's character finds refuge with a person who happened to be in the abandoned house already. I know these differences are just minute ones. The main difference I would have to state would be the time it took place. In the novel the story took place during the nineteenth century; and in the movie, took place in the year 2005.
The movie was good. Frankly though in my opinion, the movie would have been so much more amazing if Steven Spielberg had chosen to followed more closely to the book(Now I know I'm not familiar with movie making so I don't know who exactly chose to do the movie like they did; I'm just saying Spielberg since he directed the film). Just the way H.G.Wells described some of his scenes where the civilians were trying to flee their homes, they were just spectacular. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the movie was at all, no. I liked the movie. All I'm saying is that I feel like it could have been just that much better even if the movie was told like the story was taking place during the nineteenth century.
Overall, the novel was amazing. I loved the way Wells wrote his story in just the way that kept me on my toes all the til the end( and I had already seen the movie, so I knew the story somewhat). I would highly recommend this book for those who like reading about wars, especially the kind with creatures that aren't from this world. So, if you think you follow under that category, then go right ahead and grab yourself a copy, get comfortable, and enjoy the ride.
"Yet across the gulf of space, minds that are to our minds as ours are to those of the beasts that perish, intellects vast and cool and unsympathetic, regarded this earth with envious eyes, and slowly and surely drew their plans against us."
- H.G. Wells (1898) The War of the Worlds
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